General Meeting

October 15, 2020 at 7pm

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

424 Kings Grant Rd

  • All attendees must wear a mask

“The KGCL will conduct its fall membership meeting on Thursday evening October 15, 2020 at 7pm.  Because our normal meeting location at King’s Grant Elementary School remains unavailable, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church at 424 Kings Grant Rd has graciously agreed to allow us to meet there.  Meeting details will be in the KGCL newsletter that will arrive in mailboxes before the meeting date.  As usual, our fall newsletter is sent to all King’s Grant homes, not just those of members. 

The KGCL is pleased to announce that our elected representative in Congress will attend this meeting.  Congresswoman Elaine Luria, elected as the Virginia Second Congressional District representative in 2018, will make remarks and take questions during our meeting.  In keeping with our policy of welcoming currently serving elected officials, Luria will talk about issues impacting and or of interest to the Second District.  The KGCL has been working with her staff for well over a year to arrange her attendance, but our meeting calendar is often at odds with the Congressional calendar.  In Congress, she is member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.  Among other things, we can expect her remarks to touch on topics that are relevant to our neighborhood’s large contingent of current and former military members.   All King’s Grant residents are welcome (if you are not a member, we will solicit your membership at the meeting), but please – no campaign signs and no campaigning.  This is not a campaign event. 

KGCL members attending the meeting will also be asked to review and approve the KGCL 2020-2021 budget.  All attendees must wear a mask.  A small number of masks will be available at the door for any person who forgets to bring one.  Hand sanitizer will be available.”
