Zoning Report

The following zoning updates were reported to the Board or Directors by Zoning Director, Paul Lougheed:

Sidewalk on N. Lynnhaven Road

According to a City of Virginia Beach spokesperson, the sidewalk project is 70% complete and ahead of schedule. The scheduled completion date is January 2013.

King’s Grant House

According to a King’s Grant House spokesperson, they have received lender approval for Phase II. They are now finalizing the contract with Courthouse Construction. The Goal is to commence the next phase of work after the holidays in early January 2013. It is possible that they will begin some of the early site work in December, depending on the weather.

The next meeting of General Members will be held January 17th, 2013.

First General Meeting of 2012-2013 – 50 YEARS!


Editorial: King’s Grant Community League was formed in 1962. That’s a milestone worth recognizing and celebrating! Join us for cake & refreshments at our first meeting of 2012-2013

Meeting Road Sign

The next meeting of General Members is

Thursday, October 18th, 7:30 PM 

at King’s Grant Elementary School.

The agenda is posted online.

Business must be conducted at this meeting.

This is a budget meeting. The 2012-2013 budget will be presented and a vote will be taken to approve or reject the budget. The budget can be read in advance, online (click here). To request an advance copy of the budget in a different format email president@kgcl.org. KGCL President Kevin Curry will also present priorities for the year for comment. Priorities can be read in advance, online (click here).

Our invited guest is Councilmember Jim Wood, representative for the Lynnhaven District. Councilmember Wood will be interviewed by Kevin Curry and will participate in a moderated Q&A. If you would like to ask Councilmember Wood a question please attend and submit a written question in person. Or you may email your question to president@kgcl.org.

Business is scheduled from 8:15 – 9:00 PM. Members are invited to mingle before and after business.

Meeting of General Members May 2012

Meeting Road SignThe next meeting of General Members is tonight, Thursday, May 17th, 7:30 PM at King’s Grant Elementary School.

The agenda is posted online and copied below for your convenience.

MEMBERS ARE URGED TO PLEASE ATTEND. We need to conduct formal business at this meeting, including elections of officers and directors, and we require a quorum (about 25 members).

Agenda (7:30 PM)

  1. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Board of Directors Reports
    1. Secretary, Sally Huntington
      1. Review of Minutes
      2. Approval of Minutes (requires a quorum)
    2. Treasurer, Lev Huntington
      1. Financial Report
    3. President, Kevin Curry
      1. Correspondence from residents & members
    4. Zoning, Paul Lougheed
    5. Ad Hoc, Yard Sale, Lev Huntington
  3. Elections of Officers & Directors (requires a quorum)
  4. Announcements
  5. Adjourn

Nominations Sought for 2012-2013 Board of Directors

Nominations are sought for the 2012-2013 Board of Directors. An election will be held at the meeting of General Members, tentatively scheduled for May 17th at 7:30 P.M.

Please send your nominations for officers and directors via email to president@kgcl.org or deliver nominations in writing via a board member to the next board meeting, tentatively scheduled for May 7th.

Any General Member of King’s Grant Community League may be nominated. Individuals considering involvement with decision making and planning should nominate themselves for one or more positions.

All positions are up for election. The term of election is one (1) year. The term begins on  1 September, 2012 and ends on 31 August, 2013.

All positions for officers and directors, as listed in the current by-laws, are up for election:

  1. President
  2. First Vice President
  3. Second Vice President
  4. Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Newsletter
  7. Publicity/Public Relations
  8. Zoning
  9. Social
  10. Membership/Circulation
  11. Grounds/Maintenance
  12. By-Laws
  13. Seton House Liaison
  14. Ways and Means

Positions for which there are no nominations may not be filled. Multiple positions may be filled by the same person.

The names of the active officers and directors are listed on our website at the following address: https://kgcl.org/board

Nominations will posted on the web site for members to review prior to the election.

The Community Yard Sale Is Back!

Spring is here and so is the King’s Grant Community Yard Sale! The planning and work for our Spring Yard Sale is under way. The sale will be on Saturday, May 5, 2012, 8AM – 1PM at the Triangle, as it was last year, with a rain date of May 12th.

We learned a lot from your suggestions and this year we will provide bigger booths, a portable toilet and better organization. In order to escape permits and expenses imposed by the city, we must adhere to certain guidelines. There can’t be any type of entertainment or sale of any goods not found at garage sales, including home built or grown items or items purchased for re-sale. So, gather all of that stuff you don’t use any-more and exchange it for cash.

You have an opportunity to get your space reserved before all of the booths are taken. Last year, because of a lack of space, we had to turn away people who wanted to sell their items.

The tremendous success of last year’s sale makes us believe the booths will go fast. We have limited number available so make your plans and your reservation early. Members are being asked to pay $5.00 for their booth. Non-members will be charged $15.00 for a space. Again this year, you can bring your own table or rent one from us for $10.00. If you want to have your booth next to a friend or neighbor, please let us know as early as possible and we’ll try and honor your request. As a member of the league, you can pay
on the day of the sale.

Make your reservation by calling or e-mailing Lev Huntington. (757-434-8897) (Levhunt@verizon.net)

Meeting of General Members Tonight!

Meeting Road SignThe next meeting of General Members is tonight, Thursday, March 29th, 7:30 PM at King’s Grant Elementary School.

The agenda is posted online and copied below for your convenience.

MEMBERS ARE URGED TO PLEASE ATTEND. We need to conduct business at this meeting and we require a quorum (about 25 members). An election will occur during the May meeting. Tonight the president will name a nominating committee chair person and the league will elect two additional members. A quorum is required to hold the committee election. Both this and the general election in May are important to KGCL. Your participation is necessary.

Meeting of General Members

Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: King’s Grant Elementary School

Agenda (7:30 PM)

  1. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Board of Directors Reports
  1. Secretary, Sally Huntington
  1. Review of Minutes
  2. Approval of Minutes (requires a quorum)
  • Treasurer, Lev Huntington
  1. Financial Report
  • President, Kevin Curry
  1. Changes in Leadership
  2. Election Committee
  1. Selection of chair person
  2. Election of members (requires a quorum)
  • May Election
  • Grounds, Steve Stasuliss
  1. Presentation – Natural Plants and the Landscaping Plans for the King’s Grant Owned Properties!
  • Ad Hoc, Yard Sale, Lev Huntington
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. Articles of Incorporation and By-laws
  1. Announcements
  2. Adjourn

Lawn Service Contract Awarded

King’s Grant Community League Board of Directors have selected J&B Lawn Care to provide maintenance services for our three properties, the Triangle, Witt Park, and the Lynnhaven River Canoe & Kayak Access. The League received several comparable bids as a result of posting a notice on the web site. J&B Lawn Care was selected for best price. J&B Lawn Care is operated by King’s Grant resident Mr. Andy Bagwell. The following is our agreement:

**Will provide edging and removal of light debris as needed.
**Will provide proof of insurance once a bid of your choice is selected.
Correction: the schedule first published was incorrect. The correct schedule for 2012 is below:
Triangle n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 2 2 3 3 3
W.P. & L.R. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 1 2 2 2 2
(As needed all properties November – March)

Further details, including costs, are available to members via the newsletter, meeting attendance, or on request to info@kgcl.org.

In Case You Missed the Meeting

Our last meeting of General Members was held on Wednesday, January 25th at Little Neck Swim and Racquet Club. This meeting did not result in a quorum. The agenda proceeded. No business requiring a vote of members was conducted. The minutes from the prior meeting were presented by the Secretary, Sally Huntington, but not approved.